January 2019

Thursday 31st January

Luna venturing out into the snow for her bedtime poop. "What's all this white stuff on my floor mummy?"

Thursday 31st January

Little monsters play fighting through the crate today.

Tuesday 29th January

Two videos of Luna today as well . . .

Showing off what we’ve been working on the last couple of days x


Next thing for Luna to learn is how to walk on a lead ready for when she can start going out. She hasn’t quite got the hang of it yet.


Tuesday 29th January

First time today Lex reacted playfully to Luna trying to play. Ok it’s through the crate but an improvement on him either trying to run away and hide or growling & snapping aggressively because he’s scared. Another week of getting used to one another and hopefully they can have some proper play time together - Luna just needs to learn to stop it when he’s had enough!

Monday 28th January

And because Luna has had plenty of photos on her own, it's only fair that Lex has his own official portrait on his own too.

Monday 28th January

This morning's snuggle photo x

Sunday 27th January

Luna and Lex getting to know one another today - having a lovely snuggle on the sofa again.

Saturday 26th January

Lex's first day at home. After a few hours of Luna showing off she calmed enough for some proper introductions and they settled down for some snuggles on the sofa.

Thursday 24th January

Mum, I'm chewing my rope toy not the banister honestly! Would these innocent little eyes lie?

Wednesday 23rd January

My what big paws you have little Luna.

Tuesday 22nd January

What Luna has learnt

Things I do really well : wee on my training pads, go to the door to go outside to poop, respond to 'Luna come', 'Luna sit' and 'Luna crate'

Things I understand and do most of the time if I'm not being too over excited or stubborn: respond to 'Luna Stop', 'Luna Away'

Things I'm working on : 'Luna stay'

Next thingsto learn : 'Luna wait' and 'Luna heel'

Monday 21st January

Luna's favourite sleeping spot is with her head resting in mummy or daddy's hand . . . she won't be managing that once she gets much bigger!!!

Sunday 20th January

Luna weighing in today at 4kg

She was 2.53kg at her 8 week vet appointment a fortnight ago, so a 1.5kg gain in 2 weeks.

Saturday 19th January

Luna worked out how to climb the stairs a couple of days ago, but today she also mastered the art of getting back down all on her own.

Wearing her practice collar today because her big girl collar is still a bit heavy and uncomfortable, but we're building up to it ready for the day she can have her first walk.

Friday 18th January

Didn't get time for a photo today, but it's definitely a gold star day for little Luna. She asked to go out the back door for toilet today and had her first poop outside on the deck.

She also had a car ride in her crate with daddy to pick mum up from yoga class and meet all the lovely ladies in the hall.

Thursday 17th January

Cold tonight . . . Luna the sleepy little snuggle bum x

Wednesday 16th January

Very big day for Luna today exploring her new home. Today she discovered that she can get up the stairs by herself and ventured outside onto the deck. She also met nanny and grampy for the first time and was sooo loving and excited to see new people.

Tuesday 15th January

Luna learning to sit and ask for biscuits

"My food is bigger than I am!"

Monday 14th January

Another big learning day for Luna. Absorbing all these new things is hard work - fallen fast asleep in the weirdest of positions!

Monday 14th January

A big thank you to Chelsea for this lovely photo of Lex. What a handsome boy! Can't wait for him to come home.

Sunday 13th January

Luna's first full day at home and her first official portrait

Saturday 12th January

Luna's first car journey

9 weeks old and on her way home earlier than expected. Such a good girl in her car crate :)

© Copyright LunaandLex